openSUSE Leap 42.3 and later


Follow the instructions on
Select the latest stable Qt version (e.g. 5.15.2) with “Desktop gcc 64-bit” enabled. Alternatively, you can also install Qt using zypper (see second code block below).

# Install development tools
sudo zypper install --type pattern devel_basis
# Install other dependencies
sudo zypper install libmediainfo0 libmediainfo-devel libpulse-devel
# Install OpenGL headers. Alternative OpenGL headers will work as well.
sudo zypper install Mesa-libGL-devel
# Install a newer version of GCC (Leap 42.3 uses GCC 4.8.5)
sudo zypper install gcc7 gcc7-c++

Install Qt using zypper:

zypper install \
    libqt5-qtbase libqt5-qtdeclarative-devel libqt5-qtdeclarative-tools \
    libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel libqt5-qttools libqt5-qttools-devel \
    libqt5-qtsvg-devel libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Concurrent-devel \
    libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5OpenGL-devel libQt5Sql-devel

Note that MediaElch needs ffmpeg to create screenshots. ffmpeg itself requires multimedia codecs. Please refer to to learn how to install them. Then install ffmpeg.

sudo zypper install ffmpeg

To be able to build MediaElch using the command line, don’t forget to add the bin directory of the previously installed Qt version to your $PATH. For example add following to your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Qt/5.10.1/gcc_64/bin


git clone
cd MediaElch
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
qmake ..
make -j4


Run following command after building MediaElch to install it on your system.

sudo make install